Saturday 4 August 2012

August update

So far, with this year being so rubbish, I am just going to be Statto - rather than too emotional about these seeds. So here goes...successes so far in yellow font.
Achocha Lady’s Slipper (cyclanthera pedata)
I sowed these at one of my schools, and nada. They way well have come up and been slugged but I got nothing. 
Babington Leek (allium ampeloprasum babingtonii)
These were on my hugelkultur bed but due to a problem with one of the paths, may have got trampled on when we were redoing the path - but they are tough little things so might well grow back again.
Stamme onions
These are growing under the Gertrude Franck bed
Egyptian Walking onion Catawissa allium cepa proliferum
A success, they have walked already on my Hugelkultur bed. 
Broad Beans
Unknown Variety
Will be sown for an overwinter crop in about Sept
French Beans
Major Cooke 
Bonne Bouche
Cherokee Trail of Tears
Madeira Maroon
Swedish One Dot
I sowed the dwarfs in the GF bed, but of course, they got slugged but some recovered so perhaps we might get some beans from some of them. The climbers I've cancelled for 2012 due to the fact that 99% of the ones I put out were slugged and I just didn't want to chance any more failures. Will save the rest for 2013.
Runner beans
Mrs Connell’s Black 
Mark is growing these and - although they looked pitiful for ages, have now got flowers and small beans growing. At last!
Painted Mountain
As far as I know, still growing strong at school.
Quillquiña = Bolivian Coriander
Turkish Rocket (Bunias orientalis).
Flat Leaved Parsley
I sowed some of these in the GF bed and some have come up whereas others haven't. What a rubbish year to try this little experiment!
Sorrel Belleville
These seeds are growing happily
Siberian Kale
Nero di Toscana aka Black Kale 
Not sown yet. 
Grandpa Admire’s
Pommee Brune d’Hiver
Sown a fair amount and am having lovely salads from them. Success!
Avon Resistor 
Sown in GF bed and growing well.  As seen on this photo next to some Long Red Florence onions. 

Peas and Mangetout
Golden Sweet mangetout 
King Tut/Pran’s Pea 
Magnum Bonum
Salmon-Flowered Pea 
Skånsk Märgärt
Stephen’s Pea 
Suttons Purple Podded 
Golden Sweet, King Tut's, Purple Podded and Magnum Bonum all sown, grown and being eaten if not already all harvested. The rest, either a late crop, an overwinter one or next spring.
Pepper, Chilli
Alberto’s Locoto, a Rocoto pepper
Chilli de Cayenne 
Small Unnamed Chilli 
Anaheim Chilli
Pepper, Sweet
Napier Pointy Red 
All sown, and growing well. Some may end up at Garden Organic's Chilli Day as they were grown at one of my schools and are being 'sold' [free but a donation to the fund would be good] to support that school's seed purchase for next year.
Hungarian Zucchini
Georgia Candy Rooster Squash 
Waltham - butter nut squash
Zapallito Squash 
Hmm.....I am rather tender about squashes at the moment as nearly each one was mullered as soon as it was out by the slugs. I've lost about 100 plants. And where the plants have grown, I have pathetic specimens or the fruits have been mullered. As shown by the trails of slime in the photos. I'm this close to ripping the lot out as seeing this each day is more than a little deflating. 

Alpatieva 905A
Beijing Yellow
Dwarf Mr Snow  
Early Tanana
Green Bell Pepper
He-man rootstock,
Korol Rannikh  
Michael Pollan
Monkeys Ass
Plumpton King
Prairie Fire 
Yellow Out Red In
Red Pear
Slovienian Black
Tasmanian Chocolate Dwarf
T.C. Jones 
Vova Yellow 
All sown and grown. I have hopefully got one of each myself, and when I went to the plot yesterday - even though the potatoes has blight a week ago, none of the toms have so I'll keep calm, carry on and harvest what I can. Harvests so far, a few Koraliks and one Nova/Vova yellow. I must check out it's real name! No Monkey's Ass yet - but I have high hopes. All the others are here, there, everywhere and are being grown by schools, chums and swappers. I took a fair few to the Nottingham Organic Gardener's Plant Swap and given loads to my contacts all around.
True Potato Seed
Blue Belle TPS      
Not sown this year as I have a large tray of TSP from our own Potato Breeding Project in my greenhouse. Thank goodness I kept it there as my 2 lottie neighbours have lost all theirs due to [yes] blight. 
Spring Cabbage Durham Early
Nope, can't remember if I sowed these or not. Doylem!  I'm thinking not if I have no recollection.
Tzimbalo Solanum Caripense
Sown and grown, I have one at the plot that has flowered. It's not very big but it's been a rubbish year so I can't blame it. I gave one to a chum and she has it in her new polytunnel so you never know, she might get a decent crop.
Sweet Peas [mainly pink]
I thought I HAD sown these, and put them in a different place to my Cupanis but they have come out looking exactly like the Cupanis -  so somewhere along the line...someone has mucked up. Probably me of course!
Helianthus Sungold
I didn't sow these as - by the spring - I had hundreds of sunflowers all germinating in the soil direct. But come the slug onslaught, I have only 2 growing. So maybe I should have sown these - who knows? Next year. 

1 comment:

  1. I have 1 green Monkey's Ass tomato growing valiently in my tomato house.
